Speaking & Events
Brian is an accomplished speaker who has over 15 years of experience on the platform. Mr. Church has had the pleasure of speaking both to small groups and auditoriums of thousands around the globe. Brian has mastered the art of Motion, Humor, Power and Presence to become a dynamic yet thought provoking speaker that will leave you wanting more.
David Litwin, CEO, Pure Fusion Media
Relationship Momentum
The Secret to Making Your Ideas and Initiatives MOVE! Brian presents a unique and fascinating connection between the laws of motion and physics with the art and science of business relationships. Join Brian on an Entrepreneur’s exploration of the convergence of Relationships, Networking, Science and Success!
The Experience
The Experience is the foundation of Relationship Momentum. The Success of every relationship, company or idea begins with the Experience that you are committed to causing for others. Join Brian as he explores the art of leaving a lasting impression while building a value proposition that will create a crowd of Ambassadors for your initiative.
Relationship Momentum for Advisors (The secret to making Relationships, Ideas and your Practice MOVE!)
Inflection Points
Join Brian as he dissects the points of Inflection that create or destroy Momentum within the Relationship Building process. Brian uses his many years in sales, marketing and recruiting to conduct a concert of tactics that can help you create and manage Relationship Momentum as you drive to an “event”.
The Art of Leadership
Strategic and Intentional Growth for Leaders. Join Brian as he explores the 5 traits of leadership from Sun Tzu’s Art of War and correlates them into everyday leadership scenarios and strategic leadership growth opportunities.
For Bookings or Questions contact Kim Stamper at kim@ambassadorsinternational.com
or 615-829-2289.